Experience calm in the company of our Therapists


Sian Lavin
Owner and Head Therapist

Over the past decade, I have gained multiple qualifications in all aspects of the beauty and holistic industry.

I started the business with a portable bed and a few friends to practice on in their homes and over the years my dedication and perfection has led me to create and master my own unique methods of treatment and building the Healing Hands brand.

I specialise in all aspects of massage therapy - this is my magnet - “hands on” is my preferred way of practice and what I enjoy the most.

I teach all aspects of massage therapy at Healing Hands Academy. My personalised methods allow me to coach, train and deliver a more personal bespoke way of massage - enhancing your techniques as an existing therapist or helping you start you journey as a beginner.

Llinos started her massage career as a beginner at Healing Hands.

With her continuous hard work and dedication, she quickly excelled in her talents & techniques.

She has added beauty qualifications to widen her skillset but specialises in all aspects of Healing Hands massage therapy.

She is keen to start her educators qualification this year to further her passion for the industry and help others to succeed.

Naomi is one of our educators at Healing Hands and has been a therapist for almost thirty years.

She has worked in renowned spas all over the country and has trained with leading industry brands.

She brings her vast experience and knowledge to our team and specialises in all aspects of holistic and beauty.